Sababa Rebellion
This is a rebellion against all things that are against us. We will win not by attacking our enemies, but by abandoning them.
Rosh Hashana
L’Shana Tova Umetuka Happy Rosh Hashana This is my Rosh Hashana Story. It is a story about change. I hope you like it. [For the best effect, open full screen] Bonus Diary of Moran Yanai by Rachel Shalev [For the best effect, open full screen] Better Yourself, Lead Others Personal Development Life Coach Certification
Six Hostages Returned
Introducing Israel Things: What is unique about Israel? What isn’t? I did not expect to introduce this website in this way. On the other hand, if there are two most unique things about Israel, they are our people and our pain. We begin this site with the stories of six young people whose remains just came back from Gaza.
An Egyptian American Lobbyist For Arab-Israeli Cooperation
There are scores of Israelis who work in think tanks and organizations that work toward cooperation between Israel and Arab countries. We never hear much about such Israelis. On the other hand, whenever there is an Arab who works toward the same peaceful goals, journalists seize the opportunity to tell his story, for it is always a unique story, a story where the exception proves the rule.
Proof – A Question For All Times
On Quora, someone asked an age old question about proof of the existence of the god of Israel. I like my answer. It illustrates how Jews have dealt with the same question through the ages. It’s really a unique Israel Thing.